Thursday, September 17, 2009

Another Year Gone By

It's been almost one year since I saw the Jaguar while visiting Cancun Mexico. Yet another year has gone by and he's still suffering.

Can you imagine - 5 years on display for the 'dining experience of a lifetime' and then another 5 years in solitary confinement with a chain around his neck? The chain is so tight you can see it digging into his neck.

A few organizations have been working to free the animals in captivity at Pepe Tiger's former restaurant without the desired outcome. The goal of freedom from the cruel and harsh conditions they endure day after day. Tragically it's approaching a decade without relief for these magnificent creatures.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jungle Tour Restaurant

This is the current state of the property where some of the Wildcats are living near the tourist district in Cancun.

The second location is near the airport in Cancun where the living conditions are horrible.

They deserve a better life than these pathetic environments!

There is a sanctuary in Colorado that is willing to take excellent care of these Tigers and Jaguars but the Mexican government seems to think it's okay that the captive wildlife suffers.

Please sign my petition after you read about this tragic case of animal neglect.

Dying Puppies found at Pepe's former restaurant

A tourist visiting Cancun in 2008 noticed a box inside Pepe's former restaurant with 3 starving puppies inside.

She called a local animal rescue group who climbed the metal bars and brought the puppies to safety.

Sadly 2 of the 3 died within days from malnutrition and distress.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tiger can't stand up anymore!

This is the testimony of someone who was in Cancun very recently and witnessed this Tiger trying to stand up:

I have seen these animals in March 2009 and one of the tigers kept trying to stand up but it's back legs would give way. While we were looking Pepe came out shouting at us to go away which we did not do. when I asked him to come the side I was on of the iron bars he refused because I told him I would put him in the same dying condition of these poor endangered big cats.
This black jaguar has laid in a small cage for more than 10 years! The only thing he has is a dish of dirty water.

Laying on concrete next to a busy, polluted roadway day after day, year after year.

Read the webpage from more than 5 years ago to see that the situation hasn't changed for the better:

Wildcats in Urgent need of Medical Attention

Please sign this recent petition!

Thank you for your time and compassion.